











CN Realms - PvA - Draenor Raids (Tier 17)

Rank Realm BattleGroup Type Language Population TimeZone Points Online
76 哈卡 (Hakkar) Battle Group 12 PvP Chinese 7159 (1 / 0.00) +8:00 7366
77 回音山 (Echo Ridge) Battle Group 1 Normal Chinese 5168 (0.16 / 1) +8:00 7119
78 月光林地 (Moonglade) Battle Group 4 Normal Chinese 6223 (0.29 / 1) +8:00 7111
79 森金 (Sen'jin) Battle Group 12 PvP Chinese 3859 (1 / 0.00) +8:00 7087
80 冬泉谷 (Winterspring) Battle Group 16 PvP Chinese 1305 (1 / 0.00) +8:00 7037
81 布莱克摩 (Blackmoore) Battle Group 5 PvP Chinese 5408 (0.14 / 1) +8:00 6930
82 暴风祭坛 (Altar of Storms) Battle Group 1 PvP Chinese 3589 (1 / 0.00) +8:00 6551
83 耐普图隆 (Neptulon) Battle Group 4 PvP Chinese 3184 (1 / 0.00) +8:00 6537
84 毁灭之锤 (Doomhammer) Battle Group 3 PvP Chinese 6900 (1 / 0.00) +8:00 6283
85 达斯雷玛 (Dath'Remar) Battle Group 3 PvP Chinese 6430 (1 / 0.59) +8:00 6256
86 安纳塞隆 (Anetheron) Battle Group 11 PvP Chinese 4786 (1 / 0.00) +8:00 6226
87 黑暗之矛 (Darkspear) Battle Group 5 PvP Chinese 5656 (1 / 0.00) +8:00 6022
88 玛瑟里顿 (Magtheridon) Battle Group 2 PvP Chinese 2633 (0.35 / 1) +8:00 5785
89 泰拉尔 (Taerar) Battle Group 12 PvP Chinese 2615 (0.00 / 1) +8:00 5705
90 试炼之环 Battle Group 18 PvP Chinese 89923 (1 / 0.35) +8:00 5532
91 血羽 (Bloodfeather) Battle Group 11 PvP Chinese 4451 (1 / 0.00) +8:00 5483
92 银松森林 (Silverpine Forest) Battle Group 8 Normal Chinese 2635 (0.00 / 1) +8:00 5162
93 梦境之树 (Dream Bough) Battle Group 4 Normal Chinese 2892 (0.00 / 1) +8:00 4956
94 轻风之语 (Whisperwind) Battle Group 4 Normal Chinese 4944 (0.00 / 1) +8:00 4905
95 燃烧军团 (Burning Legion) Battle Group 11 PvP Chinese 4799 (1 / 0.00) +8:00 4816
96 卡德罗斯 (Khardros) Battle Group 1 PvP Chinese 4206 (0.93 / 1) +8:00 4803
97 埃加洛尔 (Azgalor) Battle Group 3 PvP Chinese 1391 (1 / 0.00) +8:00 4737
98 埃苏雷格 (Azuregos) Battle Group 3 PvP Chinese 4082 (0.00 / 1) +8:00 4722
99 瓦里玛萨斯 (Varimathras) Battle Group 11 Normal Chinese 3706 (0.00 / 1) +8:00 4712
100 库德兰 (Kurdran) Battle Group 1 PvP Chinese 2207 (0.00 / 1) +8:00 4631

Total: 393

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