











CN Realms - PvA - Draenor Raids (Tier 17)

Rank Realm BattleGroup Type Language Population TimeZone Points Online
1 罗宁 (Rhonin) Battle Group 2 PvP Chinese 44603 (0.05 / 1) +8:00 78460
2 死亡之翼 (Deathwing) Battle Group 2 PvP Chinese 42436 (1 / 0.05) +8:00 73253
3 国王之谷 (Valley of Kings) Battle Group 1 PvP Chinese 246709 (0.19 / 1) +8:00 65912
4 血色十字军 (Scarlet Crusade) Battle Group 8 PvP Chinese 47503 (1 / 0.01) +8:00 63017
5 鬼雾峰 (Dreadmist Peak) Battle Group 5 PvP Chinese 38901 (1 / 0.02) +8:00 58980
6 红龙军团 (Red Dragonflight) Battle Group 1 PvP Chinese 101114 (1 / 0.01) +8:00 58524
7 暗影之月 (Shadowmoon) Battle Group 3 PvP Chinese 49070 (0.03 / 1) +8:00 57694
8 桑德兰 (Thunderaan) Battle Group 11 PvP Chinese 30251 (0.00 / 1) +8:00 52107
9 格瑞姆巴托 (Grim Batol) Battle Group 12 PvP Chinese 42766 (1 / 0.64) +8:00 51558
10 破碎岭 (Crushridge) Battle Group 11 PvP Chinese 39620 (0.04 / 1) +8:00 50051
11 烈焰峰 (Flame Crest) Battle Group 2 PvP Chinese 18605 (1 / 0.00) +8:00 50044
12 埃德萨拉 (Eldre'Thalas) Battle Group 5 PvP Chinese 48562 (1 / 0.24) +8:00 48935
13 阿纳克洛斯 (Anachronos) Battle Group 11 PvP Chinese 47007 (1 / 0.28) +8:00 47964
14 雷霆之王 (Thunderlord) Battle Group 2 PvP Chinese 32719 (1 / 0.08) +8:00 43928
15 永恒之井 (Well of Eternity) Battle Group 12 PvP Chinese 32782 (0.00 / 1) +8:00 42506
16 红云台地 (Red Cloud Mesa) Battle Group 5 PvP Chinese 18390 (1 / 0.07) +8:00 41005
17 德拉诺 (Draenor) Battle Group 11 PvP Chinese 24097 (0.15 / 1) +8:00 40425
18 闪电之刃 (Lightning's Blade) Battle Group 4 PvP Chinese 25924 (1 / 0.05) +8:00 39730
19 阿拉索 (Arathor) Battle Group 7 PvP Chinese 13386 (0.00 / 1) +8:00 39183
20 风暴之怒 (Stormrage) Battle Group 3 PvP Chinese 23465 (1 / 0.04) +8:00 37723
21 阿克蒙德 (Archimonde) Battle Group 3 PvP Chinese 19410 (1 / 0.05) +8:00 37270
22 熔火之心 (Molten Core) Battle Group 11 PvP Chinese 21802 (1 / 0.05) +8:00 33573
23 阿尔萨斯 (Arthas) Battle Group 7 PvP Chinese 22810 (1 / 0.00) +8:00 32616
24 诺莫瑞根 (Gnomeregan) Battle Group 2 PvP Chinese 28591 (0.24 / 1) +8:00 31864
25 玛里苟斯 (Malygos) Battle Group 6 PvP Chinese 15519 (0.00 / 1) +8:00 31738

Total: 393

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