Huge in Japan
Huge in Japan (HiJ in its short form) is a rename of Force of
Nature, a guild that emerged on May 1st 2007 on Kil’Jaeden. It was
the result of a merger between Premonition and Vicious Cycle with
the intent on focusing on PVE raiding and PVPing together for
Notable previous accomplishments (all done while content was
The Burning Crusade
US 16th Kil'jaeden
Wrath of the Lich King
Glory of the Raider (10m/25m)
Glory of the Ulduar Raider (10m/25m)
Glory of the Icecrown Raider (10m/25m)
A Tribute to Insanity (10m/25m)
A Tribute to Immortality
Realm First! Fall of the Lich King (July 6 2010)
Glory of the Cataclysm Raider
Glory of the Firelands Raider
Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider
Realm First! Nefarian (25m - March 3 2011)
Realm First! Sinestra (25m - April 27 2011)
Realm First! Ragnaros (25m - September 21 2011)
Realm First! Deathwing (25m - February 8 2012)
Mists of Pandaria
Glory of the Pandaria Raider
Realm First! Will of the Emperor (25m - November 1 2012)
Realm First! Grand Empress Shek'zeer (25m - December 3 2012)
Realm First! Sha of Fear (25m - January 9, 2013)
All members are supplied with full repairs and consumables.
Raid Schedule
We are a PST raiding guild and generally raid 25 mans 4-5 days a
week during progression (Sunday - Thursday) and 1-2 days on farm.
Our raid times for MoP are currently 6:30pm PST - 11:00pm PST.
Server Info
Type: PVP
Time Zone: PST
Battlegroup: BG9 - Bloodlust
HiJ is not a DKP guild. We divide loot by means of a loot council
comprised of the guild officers. We take into consideration various
factors such as:
• Raid attendance
• Previous Loot.
• Current Gear.
• How hard you try to excel in your class bracket and how you
perform in raids.
How to apply
To fill out a application, please visit our web site at If you have any further questions after you've
viewed the specifics on our web site, please feel free to contact
any of the officers (Zlanis, Martencar, Yetibear, Kurotori) in-game
or via private message on our forums. We look forward to hearing
from you!