Back from Xmas brake and pushing forward taking down twins the
first week
Recruiting for 20 man mythic team. open for Healers, plate Dps,
warlock, elemental/enhance shaman.
About us
The Elite, a 20 man guild on the EU Ragnaros server.
The guild was founded september 2013 on the basis of being a 2 day
raiding guild, and will never loose the ideology.
Its a place for great players who simply do not have time to raid
end game content at world class
competitive time requirements any more, we understand real life
commitments and have provided a haven for people just like us, ex
hardcore raiders of top quality guilds who still want to enjoy the
Raiding with us is not always perfect, but we are organised,
on time, mature and systematic at times, yet we are raiding in a
friendly and fun environment. Input is always welcome and we are
always open to suggestions if it means making all our lives easier,
but elitism, trolling, rude raiding etiquette, bad manners and poor
attiude are non existant, for if a member sways to such behaviour
then they will find themself rapidly out of a raid spot and even
the guild.
We have a common goal which it shares with all it’s officers,
members, trials and potential applicants, our goal is to clear
current content at a competative rate whilst maintaining a stable,
fun and positive no-drama raiding environment.
We also want to be able to raid with people we can also call our
friends. We place high value on the spirit of the guild and believe
that raiding with people we get on with plays a huge role in our
We welcome applicants from across the globe, if you want to be
apart of a great guild which has a strong leadership, and provides
good progress
Raiding Schedule
Monday and Thursday 19:30-23:30 Server time
Achieved Progress:
14/14 Pre nerf heroic siege of orgrimmar July 1st 2014
What do we have to offer our raiders?
- A serious but also fun raiding atmosphere
- 8 hours raiding per week
Currently Recruiting
Accepting all expectional players.
This is for a core spot within our team, we like to keep a small
roster so you must be able to attend a minimum of 90% of raids each
month. which mean you can miss 1 raid only.
Please go to our website to make a application if intrested.
You can also find about our guild and our rules in raiding @
If you have any question just contact any ingame officer
Thisisit, Tellarius, Iadymutalink or Kalenai
Eriani#2219 for crossrealm contact
Thank you for reading and the best of luck with your guild