Nemesis-Llane (7/7H 1/7M) is currently recruiting high level
players to join us for mythic progression raiding. We formed in
late MoP as an offshoot of another high end Llane guild and while
we are a younger guild many of our members have been playing
together for years. Despite our late start we were 14/14H before
6.0 and we strive to continue to push content.
All exceptional applicants will be reviewed, though we are
currently seeking out:
-a Plate Tank, ideally a DK or Paladin
-an experienced Disc/Shadow priest
-Leather Melee
Raid Schedule(all times EST):
- Tuesday 9:30PM-1:30AM
- Sunday 9:30PM-1:30AM
Invites go out at 9:15PM. We break for 10 minutes at 11:30PM. We
will sometimes do a ready check vote for one pull past our raid end
time if we're close, but it is never required.
About Nemesis:
We are a friendly, adult guild focused on progressing through the
toughest content WoW has to offer. We have a fun, joking atmosphere
while taking our raids seriously. Our members are also very active
on non-raid nights where we do challenge modes, achievements runs,
and some pvp. We often hang out in mumble as well just socializing.
We are an adult-only guild and our humor can reflect that, but we
also strive to offer a safe and welcoming environment and off-color
jokes, racism, harassment, personal attacks, and the like are not
If this sounds interesting to you, please put in an application on
our guild website:
If you'd like more information on how our raids are run, check out
our New Raider Guide for more details:
Feel free to contact me via whispers or Battletag: Raidne-Llane