Hello All,
<Infinity> is a long standing guild that has been active and
raiding competitively since Vanilla. We transferred from Bloodscalp
at the end of Cataclysm and have called Mannoroth our home
We are currently 7/7 Mythic Highmaul. With a relatively light 9
hour a week schedule we have progressed steadily and even kept pace
with guilds that raid an entire extra day on us. Our aim is to kill
at least one new progression boss kill each week, if not
Our current raid schedule is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from
8:00PM ST (EST) to 11:00PM ST (EST). Being a relatively light
nine hour schedule, you should come prepared to make all three
nights, for all three hours. Attendance is paramount, as is
preparedness; if you need to be explained an encounter top to
bottom, you need not apply.
Loot is distributed via Loot Council- with progression at
the forefront of the decision making process. To keep it short and
sweet- show up, do your job (WELL), and don't worry, you will be
rewarded in time. Pretty simple.
Recruitment is currently Limited
Listed specializations are preferred, but not limited
DPS- Limited
HEALERS- Limited
Please Note: We are ALWAYS accepting applications for exceptional
players, even if your class/role is not listed above.
Potential applicants should have a gear ilvl of 670+
Our previous realms accomplishments and tier breakdowns were the
Tier 17-
Highmaul: U.S. #83 Mythic Mar'gok
Tier 16-
14/14 Mythic U.S. #102 25 man
Tier 15-
Throne of Thunder: 13/13H US #78 25man Overall
U.S. #32 Heroic Iron Qon
U.S. #19 Normal Lei Shen
Tier 14-
16/16H Overall
Mogu'shan Vaults: 6/6H
Heart of Fear: 6/6H
Terrace of Endless Springs: 4/4H
If you think that Infinity is right for you, head over to
www.Infinitewipes.com, register, and fill out the provided
application template on our recruitment forums.
Any further questions can directed to our Officer core or
Officer: Chazzlock : Chazzwozzer#1157
Officer: Sugarhots : Loyaldragon#1122
Officer: Klugheit : Eldritch#1129
Officer: Celektra : Celektra#1514
Recruitment Officer: Damartyr : Dam#1574
Track us down in game or just hit up our message boards!