OldSchool guild Showdown recruiting for casual 2 day raiding.
History: Showdown used to be a hardcore and well known guild, we
have had many server firsts like Lich King , Neferian Sinestra etc.
The guild decided to stop raiding after dragonsoul times and was
inactive at Pandaria. But we are back for WOD and got most of the
core oldtimers back for some casual raiding and a fun time.
What we expect from you:
[*] Turn up on time for the agreed schedule, 15 minutes before raid
time for invites
[*] HIGH ATTENDENCE - since we're only raiding twice a week it is
very important that you show up during the given raid
[*] Make all preparations before the raid, knowing fights +
consumables are required
[*] Keep focused for the entire duration of the raid
[*] Read up on upcoming bosses - stay up to date with the current
progress and the encounters.
What you can expect from us:
[*] Mature, Friendly and Social environment
[*] Clearing the most current mythic content
[*] Enjoyable raid hours
[*] Extensive preparation and work from the officer team
If you are interested in a casual laid back atmosphere and want to
see endgame content with only a 2 day raid schedual feel free to
whisper , Sanct, Alaresto or Draxine for more information.
We are recruiting all exceptional players of any class.
If you're interested contact an officer ingame for more information
or head on over to the website .
Raid Schedule:
Wednesday - 19:30 - 23:30 (SERVER TIME)
Monday - 19:30 - 23:30 (SERVER TIME
Current Progress :
Highmaul 2/7 Mythic
Foundry : 6/10HC