International, semi-hc (thu, sun, tue 1845-2300), 20-man, Heroic,
2/7 Mythic progress. Recruiting DPS and Healer. Requirements:
skill, hc-raiding xp, commitment, mature behaviour and attitude.
Apply in-game (derigel#2225 or ivira#2977) or through
What, How, why
Colour is an international semi-hc guild (Horde) from Stormreaver
realm. We're recruiting active and committed quality players to
finish Draenor with a full-clear.
We strive to be one of the most successful and enjoyable guilds to
raid in our highly competitive realm, and aim for steady progress
through the Mythic 20-man raid content.
The guild's been going for six years now and we're one of the
oldest raiding teams on the realm. We achieve our goals through
professional and ambitious attitude but still regarding World of
Warcraft as a way to spend quality time with friends in a friendly
and supporting atmosphere. What defines us as a guild is to raid
only three times a week and still compete in progress with guilds
that often raid even twice as much - so far, we have been quite
Colour has a guildmaster who has the final word on guild
management. However, decision making and everyday tasks have
structured in such a way that the guild is practically managed by a
management team including the guildmaster and officers.
- Guildmaster: Sintriel
- Officers: Razohr, Derigel, Cabrian, Ivira
Raid schedule
Colour has three official 20-man raids a week: Tuesday, Thursday
and Sunday @18:45-23:00 server-time.
Loot distribution
Colour is using a Loot Council system for loot distribution.
Players are rated for loot based on four primary criteria:
Performance, Attendance, Current iLevel and Effort. Even or unclear
situations are resolved reflecting secondary criteria such as
Behaviour, Off-raid activities, Attitude etc.
We also give members that have performed well in our raids the
option to join and help the loot council from time to time to
increase transparency and fairness in the loot distribution.
What do we expect from you
- mature behaviour
- commitment to the guild and shared goals
- ability to plan ahead your weekly schedule
- energy to study new boss encounters beforehand, use often a lot
of time to practice them and will to help others if they
- skill to play your class and to look for information to become
- activity on and off the raids
- ability to receive and process feedback
- understanding that we're never good enough and that there's
always something to improve
What can you expect from us
- 3 official raids per week (tue, thu, sun) 1845-2300 server
- alt raids on offdays
- progress through the 20-man raid content, including the Heroic
(Mythic) difficulty
- professional attitude towards raiding and guild management
- joyful and inspiring atmosphere and spirit on and off the
- guild where you can easily find your own way to contribute to the
shared goals
- experienced leadership
- highly educated and competent management
- well organised and administrated guild
- mature and friendly guild mates
- average age 20+
How to contact us?
Guild master: Sintriel
Officers: Derigel, Cabrian, Ivira and Routhy
Battle tag: derigel#2225 or ivira#2977