Reckless is a 10-30 man raiding guild with a casual raid schedule
but focused raiding. We're currently progressing in Highmaul and
will be soon moving onto Mythic Highmaul. All applications are
considered, you can apply on the recruitment page of the
Current classes of interest are as follows: (Mythic Highmaul)
Holy Paladin
Restoration Shaman
Elemental Shaman
Enhancement Shaman
Apply @ and the
guild will get back to you. Please make sure to enter your btag in
the application.
The application process is as follows:
-Application submitted.
-You're added on battle tag by one of our officers.
-You'll have an interview on Mumble discussing your application and
here we can ask you questions about your application and you can
ask any questions you may have about Reckless.
-If needed you will transfer to Darkspear-EU.
-You'll be put on trial (usually 1-2 weeks)
-After your trial period you'll be accepted based on your
performance and if the guild suits you, you'll be promoted to
NOTE: Whilst on trial we expect all trials and members to sign-up
to raids on the website calendar. These will be posted weekly and
you can change your attendance status at anytime along with a
reason of why you may be late/not attending a raid, this is
essential as it allows us to determine what we will do for said
Raid days: (Times are based on server time, which is EU GMT+1)
Wednesday: 9:00pm-11:30pm
Thursday: 9:00pm-11:30pm
Sunday: 8:00pm-11:30pm
Monday: 9:00pm-11:30pm
Thank you for reading and join Reckless today!