About Wrath
Wrath is a mix of raiding, casual, and social players. Our raiders
are serious about progression, and about having a good time. We
promote a friendly, fun, and helpful atmosphere. We are recruiting
for members and raid spots currently, by application (see details
below). We strive to have a very active team with plenty of options
for group activities or company.
Raid Times, Loot System, & Voice Chat
- Thur/Sun, 7-10c
- Tues/Fri, 7-10c
- Suicide Kings
- Mumble
Raid Team Expectations
- Be 18 years old, or older
- 645+ iLvl
- Know class, know fights
- Play well, don't stand in bad
- Learn from your mistakes
- Have a positive attiude
Guild Activities
We typically run 1-2 guild activities a week which can pick-up
normals, old world runs, fun or achievement runs, and contests.
Suggestions are always welcome. We want to help our members meet
their goals. We currently do not have any reoccurring PVP events,
however we do have plenty of PVPers. Mumble is required for any
guild runs.
Member Conduct
We request that our members be respectful and do not cause or
participate in drama. The majority of our members are adults and
because of that, topics of discussion may stray from PG-13.
Interested in Joining?
- http://wrathguild.shivtr.com/users/sign_up
- Once you create an account on the site, click on the "Apply"
button on the top-right of the page.
If we sound like a good fit, we'd love to hear from you. Whisper us
in game (Aleahnah, or Briskle) if you have any follow up questions,
too. Cheers.