*** NOTE: Currently recruiting DPS!See info for details and
contact information.***
Negligence is a Heroic/Mythic raiding guild.Applicants that wish to
raid on the team must show they can hold there own(DPS I am talking
to you).World PVP as well as Guild rated BG's. Very chill group.
Many of us have played together for quite some time.As always
casual members are always welcome.
We are an xffer guild from the Muradin server. We arrived on
Greymane October of 2010 at the very end of wrath. Most of the raid
team and guildies have been playing since Vanilla and many together
for many years.
Raid nights consist of a current schedule as follows :
Tues,Wed,Thur 7:30pm server -10:00pm server.
Please feel Free to Message Mikelangelloor Zestroz in
game with any questions regarding applications and or questions
retaining to the guild.