In Progress is a Semi-Hardcore raiding guild on Kazzak. The guild
got reformed in the early 2014 and started progressing 25man. The
guild has a stable core and the community is tight. Everyone has
the same goals when it comes to raiding and that is to get into the
We currently raid Wed/Sun/Tue 19:00-23:00. During the start of WoD
there will be added extra raiding days just to get some more
progression on the new content.
Currently recruiting exceptional players of all classes, but we're
actively searching for:
1x Resto/elemental Shaman
1x Mage
1x WW monk/ DPS warrior
Even if we're not actively searching for your class, remember that
we're always on the lookout for exceptional players!
What do we expect from you?
You're expected to keep atleast 90% attendence, we don't recruit
players for the bench.
You play your class well, along with your choosen offspec. We
expect our players to be able to play their offspec on the same
level as their mainspec.
You know your class inside and out. Gems, enchants, talents
You must be able to handle criticism. If you cannot, then don't
bother applying.
You should be 18 years old, but exceptions can be made if you prove
that you're mature enough. We will not accept anyone having to
leave because their mother hit the enrage timer.
You should be able to run a 20man raid without any problems aswell
as having a stable connection. We don't want to keep 19 players
waiting because someone is getting disconnected every 5
We have a break during raids, you should not be going AFK
otherwise. Exceptions can be made if your dog is on fire etc.
We will not tolerate any kind of drama. Players who can't stay away
from drama or is having an overall bad attitude will be removed
from the guild.
You need to be able to speak and write english.
We have a sign-up system for our raids. Don't sign and then don't
show up. That will not be accepted and may result in being removed
from the guild.
When applying, remember that your application is our first
impression of who you are.
5-second applications will be declined right away.
If you have any questions feel free to poke any online officer or
visit our website.