About Nightstalkers:
Nightstalkers has been a guild on Emerald Dream for over 7 years
now (on Christmas Day 2014 it will be our 8th birthday!) We started
as a social guild mainly just to have good folks to level our toons
up with. When the core members of the guild all hit 70, the desire
to see the end game content forced the guild to change.
Nightstalkers made the transition to a raiding guild at the
beginning of BC, and we have been raiding consistently on this
server since.
What kind of people are we looking for?
We are an adult guild, and we would prefer that you are over 18.
Some exceptions will be made on a case by case basis. We will not
put up with leaving early for homework or bedtimes, so please make
sure you have the time to commit before you apply. We are looking
for people that raid with us because they enjoy the challenge of
heroic bosses with 25 people and are willing to do what it takes to
help the guild progress. That could mean but is not limited to:
respeccing, sitting out on runs or single fights, and being willing
and able to make our raid times. We are looking for INTELLIGENT
raiders who are willing to take the time and put in the effort to
be the best they can possibly be. Also we want our raiders to be a
part of the guild; arrogance and rudeness will not be tolerated nor
welcome. Lastly and certainly most importantly, be at the top of
your game on your chosen toon. We won't put up with the same
mistakes happening over and over again in raids.
Raid Info:
Our raid schedule is as follows: Our REQUIRED raid nights are Tues,
Thurs, and Sun at 7:00 server (CST). Raids generally go until about
10:30 server (CST), but if we are close to a new kill we'll stay a
bit longer. We require that you are able to make ALL of these raid
nights. If you cannot, please do not bother applying.
Loot System
We use a Loot Council system on our progression raids. All main
spec loot is handed out by officer decision based on a number of
things. Attendance, time in guild, skill, recent performance,
amount of loot recently received, and extent of upgrade are all
things that are considered, though not necessarily in that order,
when deciding who will receive loot. Please understand that our
loot system is designed to do two things. One, ensure smooth guild
progression over individual progression. Two, reward our best
players for their dedication to this guild.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to read more
about us at forums.nightstalkersed.com or contact any of our
officers in game.
Feel free to add me to battletag: Defenestrate#1146