The Garrison ( is a guild with a long
tradition. Originally created on Dunemaul-EU over seven years ago
as part of The Older Gamers Group, The Garrison has remained a
bastion for older and more mature gamers who want to play with
likeminded people. We’ve maintained a unique brand of humour and
understanding for people who have kids, jobs and other
responsibilities, but still want to enjoy all that Warcraft has to
The Garrison moved to Aggramar-EU in Summer 2012, looking for a
more vibrant server in which to thrive. We chose Aggramar in no
small part due to the community we already found during our
scouting and decided it was one we wanted to contribute to. Since
then, we've maintained a guild of close to 500 characters on
Aggramar, but we are always looking for players who fit into The
Garrison mould.
What we can offer you?
All kinds of gaming experience depending on your play style - We
have raiding teams, pvp oriented players, old achievement runs and
a lot of fun but mature social players.
Stability - The Garrison was founded 7 years ago and is
going strong to this day with core team of members unchanged for
years and very high retention rate. We frequently have old players
from Molten Core coming back to play alongside new members who
joined during Mists.
Proper focus on priorities - Our guild consists of mature
players often with jobs, families and life outside of the game.
This means we understand that real life comes first, regardless of
what’s been scheduled in game.
What we expect from you?
Maturity - Above all else, members join to play with people
like them. We are a mature guild and would expect everyone to
behave as such.
Respect – We see a sign of maturity as respect for those in
and out of the guild. This could mean dedication to playing your
class to the best of your possibilities or saying “thanks” after a
successful 5 man.
Assistance – A guild only works if everyone pulls together,
so helping out other members at quests, gearing, advice and other
matters is important. Remember that you get out what you put
Raiding Teams and Times
The Garrison has currently three 10man raiding teams: Fluffy,
Grumpy and Don’s Johnsons. These teams run on a variety of days and
level to suit most members. See the forums for an update of
progression and recruitment needs. We also have runs to old content
for achievements and transmog.
Thank you for considering The Garrison and if you have any
questions please feel free to contact any of our officers: Cauth,
Flipperr, Darkins, Donqualine, Sashumi, Rudrig or send me a PM on
our forum.