Raid Times(CST) : 8PM-11PM Tues, Thurs, Sun
Server : Uther/Runetotem
Faction : Horde
Progression : 7/7 Heroic Highmaul 1/7 Mythic
Loot Method : Loot Council
Website :
<The Tribunal> is looking to add members to our ranks. We’re
specifically recruiting with Mythic raiding in mind but we would
also consider folks on a casual basis if you’re simply looking for
a gaming community to hang with. Most of us have been gaming
together for ages, but we’re looking to make new friends and bring
new blood into the mix. This is an excellent opportunity for small
groups of folks who are looking for a new home.
We’re looking for players who fit the following criteria :
1.Wants to experience end game content in WoW and is willing to put
time into getting there.
2.Can communicate openly and effectively.
3.Understand WoW mechanics and how to effectively deal with them.
(Don’t stand in fire!)
4. Who are also looking for a tightly knit group to play with - the
content of this game is meant to be experienced and conquered with
friends! Bonus if you enjoy playing LoL, or discussing LCS.
Currently seeking :
All Melee
Balance Druids
Holy Paladins
If you’re interested in hearing more please contact
Ohki(Harle#1556) or myself, Gooby#1820