Carpe Diem is a guild made up of like-minded people aiming to be a
strong 25 man three night a week Oceanic progression guild, while
understanding that real life comes before World of Warcraft. The
guild was founded on the 10th February 2009 and continues to do
better with each new tier, we are the top Nagrand raiding guild and
working our way up the Oceanic 25m ranks.
Many of our raiders have been in top Oceanic raiding guilds
throughout BC, WoTLK and Cataclysm and have now taken a more
balanced approach to the game but still take raiding and
progression seriously. Our goal is still very much focussed on full
clearing heroic tiers however we are more efficient with our time
to balance with real life obligations.
While raiding is very important to us, so is maintaining an
organised, vibrant and drama free guild environment and we are very
proud of the fact that we have been able to maintain this while
being very competitive in Oceanic progression.
Wednesday: 8:00 – 11:30 (8:30 – 12:00 during Daylight Saving
Sunday: 8:00 – 11:30 (8:30 – 12:00 during Daylight Saving Time)
Monday: 8:00 – 11:30 (8:30 – 12:00 during Daylight Saving Time)
AEST (UTC+10:00) Oceanic Server Time
Carpe Diem does it’s very best to look after our raiders by
* Organised raiding environment including roster, raid leading and
written strategies.
* Consumables including food, flasks, potions, gems, enchants and
* EPGP loot system which takes into consideration BiS, major and
minor upgrades.
* Ventrilo voice communication, common go to application.
Carpe Diem will always consider any exceptional application
regardless if we are actively recruiting that class or spec at the
current time. We expect applicants to have the knowledge, skill and
gear required meet heroic progression.
All applications will be considered so regardless if we are CLOSED
or RECRUITING please if you’re interested and have what it takes,
read the guild rules, example application and then apply at
What we look for in applications and expect from our raiders:
* World of Logs or similar parses required with class competitive
* Previous heroic raiding experience or demonstrated ability in
Brawlers or Proving Grounds.
* Willingness to better your class and performance on a regular
* Attendance rate from 90% taking into account holidays, illness
* Computer and internet connection capable of 30+fps and sub 250ms
in 25man raids.
Latok (Latok#1514) – Guild Master (Raid Leader)
Aztank – (Aztank#6657) - Officer (Raid Assistance)
Ellywelly (Ellorss#1834) - Officer (General Guild
Yui (Skitzie#1255) – Officer (Recruitment)
Yuqii (Yuqii#1942) – Officer (Loot and Website)