Vitamin Z is a guild that came together at the start of Warlords of
Draenor. We are a group of friends that have played WoW and many
other games together for years and decided it was time to get back
together and kill some bosses. We got off to a slow start but have
grown rapidly in recent weeks. With the launch of Blackrock
Foundry, we are very excited to raid this new content as much as
possible. Our current raid schedule is
Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday/Monday from 7-11pm server(central) time. We
are always recruiting strong players, and our greatest needs are
listed on this page. Our healing and tank situation is in a solid
place, so any healers or tanks that apply should be flexible with
DPS specs as well. Contact Beautimus, Mouthuh, or Chunkykong in
game with any questions. Our website is under construction but
should be going up soon so stay tuned!