Xanijh is an adult (21+) L25 Alliance raiding and achievement
guild. We have a long history on Arygos, raiding continuously since
early Wrath.
Currently we run a normal/heroic flex progression raid Tuesday and
Thursday 9:00PM-11:30PM EST (server). We sometimes add a third day
depending on need/interest. We always have fun, but we take
seriously making the most of our raiding time. We expect raiders to
be on time and well prepared. We do not have strict attendance
requirements, but encourage signing up at least 85% of the time. We
have 12-13 regular raiders now and are building the team larger for
Mythic content.
Our current needs are:
Tank – Medium
Melee DPS – Medium
Ranged DPS – Medium
Healer – High
Applications from all are welcome. All of our members are adults
(mostly 25-45) and when hard pressed we act like it. We pride
ourselves on being zero-drama and take that very seriously. We
recognize added drama does not equal added fun. We laugh at each
other, laugh at ourselves and cheer when we down a new boss or get
a new achievement.
If you're interested check out the website or whisper Thorizan in