Uroborus is recruiting trials for mythic progression in WoD. Our
primary needs are not fully represented here but skilled players of
all classes are always welcome. Visit our website for full details,
accurate updates, and to apply! :D The website is a great place to
check out the players of the guild too.
Gm: Vududokta
Officers: Xenababe, Excrutiation, Ikungfuyou, Sliverspoon,
Lamuerta, Nerodis
History: We are a small friendly guild made up of a bunch of
random people that somehow met through the time ways and began
killing things in world of Warcraft. We had humble beginnings in
Cataclysm on the server Ysondre. The group began right after the
release of Dragon Soul as the second raid group for the guild night
moves. After conflicts of interest and a group of people that shall
only be referred to as the pandas, our group split off from Night
Moves to form Cosa Nostra. After many frustrating months of not
very successful recruiting on Ysondre and subpar progression we
made Mug'thol our new home under a new banner: Uroborus.
Currently: We are now making new headway into to top tier
content and while we are far from being god's gift to WoW, we are
striving to be the best we can possibly be. Commitment is more
important to us than any role you provide. We raid Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 4:30pm-6:00pm server time for heroic/mythic
progression, with Mondays being optional clean up or normal
clears. If you are looking for a good medium progression guild
or you just have a lot of free time and you want to start raiding,
message one of us in game and we would be happy to raid with you.
-Updated by Toast 12/22/14