Hello fellow raiders!
Who WE are
We are Stormguard - a Mythic 7/7 Heroic in WOD, (14/14 Mythic SoO),
semi-hardcore raiding guild that once upon a time moved from
Steamwheedle Cartel to Argent Dawn in search of new friends and
adventures. We have years of raiding experience and a great
atmosphere in our raids that we value a lot, successfully maintain
and are very proud of. We appreciate a good joke, friendly
banter and even a good pun! We do not, however, tolerate insults,
enraging or any display of aggression - if it will occur- it can
earn you a boot from the guild.
Who YOU are
You are a gentleman,a lady or a cat, who is mature, has raiding
experience, polite and has a good attitude. You are not a drama
queen/king/cat, whiner or a grumpy dwarf. You are researching your
class's tips and tricks and are always up to date with news and
changes. You come prepared, repaired and bearing a good joke for
the night and are able to listen/talk using our voice
communications. Patience and a good sense of humor are crucial!
Since we reside on an RP server, some of our members are RPers and
some are not - which means you are not obligated to RP but you may
not disturb or insult in any way others that do so. You shall
always remember that you represent our guild when you are out in
the wilderness or in the cities and shall behave accordingly.
What our GOALS are
Stormguards ultimate goal is to progress as far as possible on
current content tier mythic while maintaining a good and friendly
atmosphere. We raid 3 times per week: Wednesday, Thursday and
Monday evenings from 20.00 to 23.00 server time. We do not normally
extend over the raid-end time, unless it is the last encounter and
it is agreed with all the raid members. We require our members to
attend minimum of 85% of the raids.
For SOCIAL members:
We are always welcoming social members. To fulfill social member
requirements you actually have to be social! Social members are
part of the soul of the guild and we value them as much as our
How you can FIND us:
Please visit and apply at our guild page:
Please register with your ingame character name for faster