<Even Flow> Is a relatively new guild on the scene (Since
November 2011), created with the intent of clearing DS HM's at a
respectable pace while still realizing that real life should still
take priority. Many of the guild's members have extensive HM
experience since its inception with Ulduar and raiding experience
dating back to Vanilla. Several of our members have also come from
more "hard core" guilds in which a 5+ raid week is the standard for
times of progression.
Although the 3 day raid week seems to be a standard across the
board, we expect to make the most of every minute spent while
raiding with the understanding that you can't rely on Fat Boss to
give you every raid strat you use. Every guild is different and
that being said if you chose to pursue a raiding position with our
guild YOU must be ready to bring insight and knowledge to the table
Current raid times (server time) (Central)
Wednesday 8:00-11:00 pm
Thursday 8:00-11:00 pm
Monday 8:00-11:00 pm
What we expect from our raid members.
Almost a 100% raid attendance is required for all members as we run
with only a 20m group it is imperative that you aren't a flake.
Although we do have a few people that can sub in we would prefer to
not have to.
A decent working knowledge of new fights as we tackle new content.
Blizzard has put the dungeon journal into WoW for a reason, SO USE
Raid awareness! Congratulations you may have the potential to parse
high on a fight, or your through put may be above average, but if
you are constantly dying to the often very obvious game mechanics
that are put into place ie. void zones, fire, standing in front of
the boss, etc. then you have no place pursuing HM content and you
should probably stick to LFR.
Oh and did I mention, ATTENDANCE IS A MUST!
As far as specific Class requirements we are looking for the
For DPS you must have a full understanding of all your specs, we
will not tolerate a lack of knowledge of something that can be
easily learned with minimal effort.
For our Tanks you must also come with with a strong knowledge of
how to DPS as well and the gear to actually put those big numbers
up too.
For our healers, you need to not only know how to heal, you must be
able to DPS and have the gear to bring it as well. Many encounters
require only 4 healers so we are not looking to have a scrub doing
less then the tank because they just aren't too familiar with
playing ele or boomkin or what have you.
For all new recruits, a 665+iLvl is required as is HM experience
(this tier or previous) I cannot stress enough the difference
between HM progression and normal mode (lol) progression.
If you feel like you have what it takes to join send an ingame tell
to Zlex.(Zlex#1512)
We are currently looking for some exceptional dps to top off our
roster for Mythic.
Thank you.