Mythic Horde Guild on Kil' Jaeden server
Created by competitive adult gamer's with the purpose of raiding at
a High skill level with Efficiency. We are a semi-hardcore US World
of Warcraft guild located on Kil' Jaeden. Our focus is PvE raiding,
and our ambition is to be among the first to kill new raid bosses
on the server. While having fun and enjoying one another's company.
If you are looking for a guild with a relaxed and positive raid
environment, that pushes new content as quickly as possible,
Avidity could be the guild for you.
We do not tolerate: Excuse makers, drama-queens, loot-whores,
whiners, ***-hats, tunneling meter-whores, slackers, casuals, one
trick ponies and the list goes on... No elitist crap, just know how
to play your class.
"We're more than world of warcraft raiding guild, we are a
competitive online gaming community"
Catalyst Raid Schedule - (Split Heroic Main/Alt) [Sunday, Monday]
7:30 - 10:30 Pacific
Progression Raid Schedule - Until Mythic Clear [Tue, Wed, Thur]
7:30 - 10:30 Pacific
Farm Raid Schedule - Until New Content Released [Tue and Wed] 7:30
- 10:30 Pacific
Community Server Raid - Coming Soon!! Schedule: tbd
Contact us: Btags or Submit an App.
Guildmaster: Specialop- heavyd84#1217
Recruitment: Brêwslee- Muscleleche#1597 (alt 136)
Healing Officer: Beñder- bender#1837 (alt 1444)
Melee Officer: Vanítas- vanitas#1145 (alt 0237)