Nothing Fancy was formed at the end of WotLK by members that wanted
to raid 10 man heroics, progress, and go for server firsts. Nothing
Fancy achieved server firsts throughout Cataclysm and the first
tier of Mists of Pandaria. We're a laid back guild and you must be
able to take a joke and constructive criticism. No real loot
system, usually goes to who needs it the most.
Our raid group has achieved the following in 10 man:
-A Tribute to Dedicated Insanity: World 80th, US 25th
-A Tribute to Insanity: World 165th, US 61st
-H Sinestra: US 310
-H Ragnaros: US 411
-H Madness: US 223 (10% buff)
-H Sha of Fear: US 106
Our current raid times are Tues-Thurs
-Tuesdays 8-11(CST)
-Wednesday, Thursday 7-11(CST)