Raids are as follows:
Tuesday 6-9pm server
Wednesday 6-9pm server
Sunday 5-8:30pm server (Mountain Time)
Many of us started playing in early vanilla, and at one time or
another, most of our people raided with hard core progression
guilds. We ask that our raiders attend at least 2 raids a week
however, we understand that sometimes RL can interfere with raiding
We ask that raiders come prepared with pots/flasks and are
knowledgeable of current strats. We also ask that raiders use Vent,
and a raiding boss mod.
We are a casual guild in the areas that we will not "call someone
out" and yell at them for a mistake. We encourage raiders to admit
it if they think the wipe was their fault because in the end, it
doesn't matter, we wipe as a team and we would never yell at
someone over vent for a mistake. Our raids are only 3 hours long, 2
1/2 on Sunday. We do take breaks during every raid as well. As a
casual guild, we will progress at our own pace, and not care if we
are first or last. We will never ask people to stay late or log on
early for a raid. We raid as a team, and want raiders with the
team-player state of mind.
Although we are casual raiders, we do expect you put effort into
your character and have proper gems, enchants and reforging. As a
casual guild, we will not force raiders to carry certain talents or
specs. You are allowed and encouraged to play the class and spec
that you enjoy, so be upfront with your preferences if you are
interested in joining us.
Feel free to talk to Shawnie or Falalalala in game about our most
current recruitment needs. During non raid times please :)