The guild was created in the early stages of vanilla. It became a
single entity by the name of Entropy in the early stages of BC. We
have worked hard with our dedicated members to enjoy all end game
content available. While we strive for progress during raid time we
enjoy funny conversations in a Skype Group Chat which helps people
bond and team up even better.
Current Progress:
5/7M (after a long Christmas break)
Previous Expansions:
Mists of Pandaria
SoO 14/14 Mythic
ToES 4/4
HoF HC 4/6
MSV HC 6/6
Cataclysm Progress:
Dragonsoul HC: 8/8
Firelands HC: 7/7
1st Glory of the Firelands Raider
BWD HC: 6/6
BoT HC: 5/5
TotFW HC: 2/2
WotLK Progress:
RS 25: 2nd
RS 25HC: 3rd
ICC 25: 12/12 2nd, Glory of the Icecrown Raider
ICC 25HC: 12/12 2nd
ToGC 25man : 5/5 (Mad skill) 2nd
Ulduar 25man : Algalon 2nd, Glory of the Ulduar raider / Alone in
the Darkness
Conqueror of Naxxramas Achieved
Raiding schedule:
Wednesday - 19:30-23:30
Thursday - 19:30-23:30
Sunday -19:30-23:30
Monday -19:30-23:30. (Optional only if we're close to FK or farm
Raiding times are subject to change during summer and holidays.
Trial ranks should have 100% attendance.
There is an alt group for the players who enjoy playing and gearing
up other classes.
Loot system is EPGP Lootmaster.
- mature behaviour and dedication
- skills, fast reactions, knowledge and ability to think for
yourself is highly appreciated!
- appropriate gear ;
- the more xp in raiding, the better;
- thorough understanding of your class/spec and mechanics of
- voice comm software is Dolby Axon;
- a decent fluency in English;
We are always looking for exceptional players to join our core
roster but most of all loyal players who will stick with us through
both pain and joy.
So, if you're still interested in finding out more about us and
maybe even popping out a serious application, please contact
For in-game information and contact, feel free to speak to any one
of our officers or core raiders, they will be happy to provide you
with any required information.
A word from our officers:
Take a moment and think about the people you play with for at least
4 hours a day, honor them, respect them, and better yourselves in
every way possible in order to reciprocate equally, for each other
and the guild.