About Sundered Horizon
Sundered Horizon is a raiding guild, we have been active on
Aggramar-EU for 4+ years. We are in need of a healer and a dps
(with a tank or heals off-spec) to help us get back to the upper
echelons of the server.
We raid 3 nights a week Wednesday, Sunday and Tuesday from
20:00-23:00 server time.
Raiding Requirements:
• You must have a complete knowledge of your class.
• We expect our raiders to come prepared for all the content we may
face in our raids this means knowing tacs for bosses and your role
in any given encounter.
• We are a friendly close guild and expect raiders to have a good
attitude to raiding and to be patient we are a progression focused
guild wipes happen.
• All raiders must be able to use TeamSpeak