Incentive is still recruiting more ranged dps and healers
for our mythic core. We raid only 3 days a week, but we value our
time. There is little room for failure and we want all our members
to push themselves every raid. As of now we are aiming to have a
solid mythic raiding team ready when Blackrock Foundry releases.
That is where we really want to start shining and do our best to
push some ranks. If you think you have got what it takes even if
your class isn't in the recruitment table, feel free to apply and
convince us why we should consider you. For more info you can
always whisper one of the listed players in the contact tab.
Raiding Schedule
Mon - 19:15 / 23:00
Wed - 19:15 / 23:00
Thur - 19:15 / 23:00