[H] <Departed> of Black Dragonflight - 10M 12/16h LFM MoP
Departed is a 20+M raiding guild that has been around since March
2010. We are actively recruiting to fill our roster with the best,
and most experienced players possible.
Latest Progression:
7/7 Normal Highmaul
7/7 Heroic Highmaul
8/10 Normal Blackrock
Current Raid Schedule:
Tuesday 9:00pm - 1:00am EST
Thursday 9:00pm - 1:00am EST
Raid attendance of 85% is expected(100% during your Trial
Loot Distribution:
We are immediately seeking: Ranged DPS.
Any exceptional players will be considered.
What we expect:
You must have a vast knowledge of your class and play it properly
(This does include min/maxing your character), and show us this via
Warcraftlog parses. You must also know all current raid content and
be properly gemmed, enchanted and itemized correctly. Be prepared
to wipe, as we are a progression guild and wiping is a large part
of progression.
Trials applying for a core position are expected to have 100%
attendance during the three week trial period. After a core
position is earned, 85% attendance is mandatory.
No one has a guaranteed raid slot, ever, so you may be sat as a
trial for some fights. If you are better than a current member you
will most likely get their raid slot. The constant possibility of
replacement stops people from getting stagnant with their
We provide the best food while in raids, but supply your own
Flasks/Potions as they are not given out by the guild.
To Apply:
Visit www.departedbdf.guildportal.com or contact an officer in-game
via RealID:
Thesource: cassandra#1437
Baergin: Baergin#1942