Harvesters of Sorrow is a progression-based, casual guild looking
for talented players to solidify our 10m raid group.
Our raid schedule:
Wed/Mon from 8:30-11:30 EST (server)
Potential raiders will:
-have a thorough knowledge of their chosen class including proper
gems, enchants, talents, and glyphs
-be able to keep up to date with class changes
-be able to commit to the raid schedule and act responsibly if they
cannot make it
-be open to constructive criticism
-show effort and attentiveness in raids, striving for the best
performance including being prepared with their own consumables
-have the gear level to pull their weight in a raid
Like any decent guild, we are always looking for open-minded
players that know their class top to bottom. Don't feel shy to
apply if your class and spec isn't on the recruitment list. We're
open to changes when impressed.
Contact us:
PM or in-game mail - Kaelaan, Karney, Hugsnkisses, Vodilent, Revy -
but feel free to talk to any of our members for directions