We are recruiting for our raid groups! Currently we have two raid
groups, both of which are looking for Mythic quality raiders.
Weekend Group lead by Omulous
Currently 1/7 Mythic
The Weekend Group raids the following days:
Friday and Saturday - 5:30pm - 10pm PST
WE NEED (4) MORE: 3 plate dps - Ret Pally, Unholy/Frost DK,
Arms/Fury Warrior ; 1 tank - Prot Pally, Blood DK
Weekday Group lead by Dajizza (Killadelphia)
Currently 2/7 Mythic
The Weekday Group raids the following days:
Tuesday-Thursday - 5:30pm - 8:30pm PST
For more info contact:
Mithdraugwen - Guild Master
Omulous - Officer
Tyfiest - Officer
Killadelphia - Platinum Raider
Kinnick - Platinum Raider
Mayevee - Platinum Raider
Remedy - Platinum Raider
or visit http://persevere.enjin.com/
In game chat or Vent are the preferred methods of contact.
Per.se.vere (Pur-suh-veer)
per.se.vered, per.se.ver.ing
verb (used without object)
1. To persist in anything undertaken; maintain a purpose in spite
of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue
The name is more than just a name, it's what we do, it's what we
have always done and it's what we will always do.
Our guild is relaxed and has a lot of fun but during raid times we
like to take things a little more seriously.
We look for members that are ready to push themselves to become the
best possible player they can be and are constantly thinking about
what they can do better in each encounter. We want the raider that
wants to do whatever it takes to win, not the raider that avoids
responsibility. We want the raider that says, "I'll take the magma
traps in the Ragnaros encounter" or "I'll fly during
Challenge yourself, challenge everyone around you. Dare to be
great. That's what we're about.
Thank you for your consideration and we hope to see you soon.