Pathogen (Formerly Thirteen Thirty Seven) is recruiting for
Warlords of Draenor 20 man Mythic Raiding.
Warlords of Draenor Requirements
Applicants should know the ins and outs of their CLASS. Not knowing
how to play a specific spec in a 20 man environment is a huge
detriment to the raid team.
You should be able to learn from mistakes and know fights before we
get to them.
You MUST be able to survive fights! This is 100% the biggest reason
to get demoted from our raid team.
We want players that can avoid/navigate fight mechanics and survive
in a sticky situation. If we ask you to do something for the raid
team, you should know how to do it beforehand. Wiping to it a few
times is ok, but repeatedly not doing the mechanic right is grounds
for replacement.
An alt, geared, min/maxed, and ready to go for our alt raid(s). You
should be able to play this alt at a respectable level. This will
be used to feed heroic gear to the raid team, and entry level
fights of Mythic should the gear be seen as significant to us
achieving our goals.
Monday - 6:30-10:30
Tuesday - 6:30-10:30
Wednesday - 6:30-10:30
Thursday - 6:30-10:30
Extra time may be added to the end of the raid if we are close to a
progression kill. The time is generally Sundays and consists of the
same time of 6:30 - 10:30 PST. This happens very rarely (once or
twice a tier).
Amazing DPS. If you think you can do better than our DPS send us a
tell or app on our website. We do take players without applying if
logs can prove you are a capable player.
We are also looking for any DPS that we consider amazing:
-Doesn't die (Uses personal CDs + healthstones at pivotal
-Knows how to navigate through fight mechanics
-Changes specs/reforges/gems for specific progression
-Has high rankings on warcraft logs/proraiders; high percentiles
during progression.
At the moment we are highly interested in ranged DPS, but will
consider melee if you excel at the above points or meet the
recruitment needs above.
We expect all players to know the fights in and out, and how to
utilize their CLASS in the best possible way. We expect mistakes to
happen, however, we also expect players to learn from mistakes.
Simple things like flasks, pots, food, enchanting should all be
done, or obtained before raid time. Players should know what's BiS
for them. We are looking for players that have shown they are
capable, and willing to strive for a top 20 ranking this tier.
We hand out loot based solely on performance, rank, and biggest
upgrade. If you are applying to the guild for loot, this is not the
team for you. We do our best to distribute loot evenly, however, we
do go for biggest upgrades in the hands of the best players, and to
those who deserve the loot. Trials typically won't receive loot
over raiders under almost all circumstances. If a mount drops it is
auctioned off to the highest bidder, and the gold distributed to
the raid team (raiders and above).
Trial period lasts anywhere from 2-3 weeks depending on your
performance, with longer trial periods to be expected during farm.
If we think you are amazing you will most likely be promoted
quicker. During trial period, you are expected to provide yourself
with all the necessary items to be competitive in the raid
environment. This includes addons, gems, enchants, flasks, pots, a
reliable internet connection, and knowledge of all fights we have
on farm + any progression bosses we are working on. Failure to
do/have any of the above will probably result in demotion from the
raid team.
Founded in August 2008, The leadership of the guild has over a
decade of guild management and raiding experience spanning from
MMOs earlier than the EverQuest days to newer MMOs such as FF14. We
constantly strive to achieve the highest rankings with the minimal
time we have on our raid schedule. This keeps us competitive and
maintains a healthy amount of time for real life activities.
We understand Mythic raiding will bring in more guilds, however, we
still believe in maintaining a high US ranking by bringing in the
best talent in the world.
We strive to keep our gaming community alive by playing the latest
hits and the newest MMOs.
If you want to apply either app on our site or message an
Mateo#1234 KyKy#1727 Prymal#1795
Applications might not be necessary in some cases.