Our raids times are: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights 8:00 PM
- 12:00 AM EST. We may push up to 1 hour past this time if we feel
like we are close to a kill or if we are making good progress.
Current Needs:
Ele Shaman
Holy Paladin
Resto Druid
Resto Shaman
We will always consider any exceptional applicants. Even if you
don't have much experience with high-end raiding, don't be afraid
to give us a shot!
<Reckless> uses a Loot Council system for distributing
WoD Progression - 7/7H, 2/7M
About Us:
<Reckless> was founded in March 2010. We strive to progress
through raid content as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our
raiders are motivated, skilled, and focused and we are looking for
individuals who share these same qualities. Players who are not
constantly looking to improve themselves won't last very long here
as we are always evaluating ourselves to become the best we can be.
We expect all our raiders to have a full understanding of fight
mechanics and to always be ready on raid night.
We consider ourselves a family and you will find yourself being
treated with respect and class. Our expectations of you as a raider
is to uphold that standard and always be willing to learn and take
constructive criticism as it comes. Our raiders also play other
games outside of WoW such as Dota 2, SC 2, LoL, Diablo 3,
Borderlands 2 etc., and we have a lively atmosphere outside of the
raid where you'll always find somebody online.
Check out our guild charter for more details into how our guild
Feel free to add Kaio#1384 or Verdell#1538 if you have any
questions about the guild or the application process.
We hope to see you apply!