Haven is a international Guild formed by former Aeternum Officers
and high-skilled raiders and friends at the Start of Cataclysm.
We do not like to titulate our self as a hardcore guild, but on the
other hand, we are certainly not a casual guild. Our aim is to
create a friendly mature atmosphere where all the members can fully
enjoy and experience the game together.
Maturity, friendship and mutual respect are keywords for how we
want our guild and members to act and behave - not only in
guild-chat but everywhere in the game.
We see ourselfs as a well established guild that are going to
continue in MOP.
Our Raid days are Wednesday - Thursdays - Sundays - Mondays
And Raid times are from 20:30 to 23:30 Game time.
You can also come online and chat with one of our officers:
Bübblepop, Yxskaft or Toroth.