Realm: (US) Kel'Thuzad (recently moved from Bleeding
Faction: Alliance
Rank: US73 Highmaul, US27 Siege of Orgrimmar (10m)
Incentives: Well-qualified recruits may receive free faction
change/server transfer at our discretion.
Trial Process: Since Heroic is cross-realm, we will
typically do 1 run of cross-realm to verify that you're not an
idiot and that we're a good match. After that, you'll have to
transfer to Kel'Thuzad to continue trialing in Mythic. We don't
keep a huge roster, so trials can be expected to be in for
progression and second-kills. Our trial period usually lasts 3-6
When we raid:
Raids per week: 4 during progression (rarely 5). Typically
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday plus a fourth day (either Wednesday
or Sunday) we agree upon week-by-week. We will not main raid Friday
or Saturday.
Raid times: Our expectation is that you are available from
8:00-12:00EST. We will typically start the group slightly before 8,
and be making our first boss pull between 8:10 and 8:15.
What we're currently doing:
Mythic Highmaul. Looking for a couple people to fill our roster
back up after WoD turned out to be too intense for some of our
raiders from MoP.
Who should apply?
While we will consider any high performing candidate, we are
especially looking for the following:
1. Healing Priest
2. Resto or Enhance Shaman or DPS DK
3. Feral Druid
4. Warlock or Hunter
Ideally the potential recruit will be:
-Multiple Mythic bosses down in Highmaul and/or BRF
-675+ ilvl
If you are not that advanced but are competent and can demonstrate
it, then we'd still be happy to chat.
Who should I contact?
The best people to contact are:
-Isamoo (Isamoo#1333) - Recruitment Officer
-Minimerlinx (Mini#1532) - Guild / Raid Leader
If necessary, our other officers can also be contacted:
-Jellog (Jellog#1552)
-Sacredknight (Sacredknight#1804)
Additionally, you can apply online at:
Watch us play!
While not all of us are always streaming, we can usually turn our
streams on if asked. - Mage / Warlock PoV - Restoration Druid / Balance Druid /
Brewmaster Monk PoV - Discipline Priest / Shadow Priest /
Restoration Druid PoV
About Royal Militia:
We're a guild that has been around since Vanilla, with many of us
having raided together for many years. We focus primarily on PVE
progression while maintaining a good balance with RL commitments.
Many of us are working professionals or Canadians that do this for
fun. What do we consider fun? Killing bosses, which includes
actively preparing for each new tier by testing on the PTR and
developing our own strategies for handling mechanics. You can read
more about us on our website: