Sorry folks. Dark Pact is no longer a raiding guild.
10 mans, casuals, no original/challenging/fun content - blame any
or all of those reasons. A declining server population and an
overall lack of available raiding talent in this game has meant
that it has been next to impossible to maintain a viable raiding
For those who want to reminisce...
End of Cataclysm Guild Video:
History of Achievements:
Glory of the Raider, Ulduar, Icecrown, Cataclysm, Firelands,
Dragon Soul
Realm First Conqueror of Naxxramas
Realm First Magic Seeker
Realm First Death's Demise
Realm First Heroic Halion
Realm First Blackwing's Bane
Realm First Of the Four Winds
Realm First Dragonslayers
Realm First Firelords
Realm First Saviors of Azeroth
Realm First Heroic Grand Empress Shek'zeer
Realm First Heroic Sha of Fear