Raid Times: 19:05-23:00
Raid Schedule: Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday + additional raids
during progression!
Contact: Odiosa, Mulag, Chinadoll, Grandpoh (in game) or at
Guild Summary
Requiem is an ancient multinational guild that has been raiding
competitively on EU-Al'Akir since it’s founding in 2006. The guild
enjoyed great successes in Vanilla, The Burning Crusade, Wrath of
the Lich King and Cataclysm, and is now seeking active raiders to
bolster its ranks for the Mist of Pandaria raid progression.
Much of the raiding force that garnered these accomplishments can
still be found in the guild today, and many of the members have
played World of Warcraft from release – including the guild’s
Requiem can offer potential applicants a focused raiding experience
in addition to an extremely active social community, and a
stability that comes from having such a large number of dedicated
members that have remained in the guild unfalteringly for many
In summary, Requiem can provide you with a well-rounded raiding
experience that does not compromise on the social nature of the
game. Once you become involved in the guild’s community, you’ll
find it very hard to find a community like it, and even if members
stop playing the game, or retire from raiding, they never truly
leave Requiem.
Recent History
Requiem went through a few transformations and changes in
Cataclysm. We had numerous roster changes and like a lot of guilds,
we have found it difficult at times.
After getting through 6/7hc in Firelands pre-nerf, Ragnaros proved
to be a struggle and months of wiping took its toll. With players
quitting, we were forced to go 10man and got the kill soon after.
I'm certain that many people browsing this thread may have a
similar, or identical story to tell. Thankfully we are a strong
guild with a great community, and that has kept us alive where
other guilds have fallen.
With most things cleared in Cataclysm, we now welcome Mists of
Pandaria with open arms!
Key skills and traits we expect from applicants:
Reliable Attendance – We expect attendance at least 3 times per
raiding week, and good punctuality on those raiding nights.
A thorough knowledge of class and spec – We expect active
thinking upon and understanding of the applicant’s chosen class and
spec; we are not seeking members that simply follow what they read
on Elitist Jerks without thinking about what they are actually
reading. Raid spots are given to those who prove to be the most
skilled and capable without exception.
A desire to progress – Consumables, coffee and prior tactical
knowledge, we expect applicants to show up prepared, alert and
informed about the boss encounters we are progressing on.
Communication skills – A solid grasp of English is essential to
joining the guild; we expect members to communicate actively on
Ventrilo, and having a good sense of humour is vital.
Skill, not gear – Our gear requirements are fairly lenient;
although we expect a certain level of gear from applicants it is
not of key importance to have the highest level gear before
applying. If we are convinced you are a decent player, then that
gear will come in time.
Personality – Most importantly of all, the desire and effort to
integrate socially into the guild. Requiem is, and always has been,
about the community of players enjoying playing together. Without
this aspect, the guild would not have lasted this long.
Oh, and we have a tabard!