Note that we are a Swedish guild only.
If you are not O.K with a larger raid roster and rotation based
system we are not the guild for you.
The Family Legion is a Swedish guild that was formed in March 2009.
It has mainly been the home for a bunch of RL friends and
We are players who play this game for fun, but also takes raiding
serious. And we are good at what we do. Some of our members has
raiding experience in both Vanilla WoW and TBC (some of us has all
of MH, BT and some Sunwell experience), WoTLK and Cataclysm.
We don't raid hardcore, but go 3 night planned raids. Even though
we only raid 3 planned raids, we do get the job done, in most
cases. :)
Raid times are curently 19:30-23:00 servertime on Wednesday,
Thursday and Sunday.
All 10 man content was on farm pre-Ulduar (Sarth without drakes
We have now cleared Ulduar and Algalon, and have most of the Hard
Modes farmed.
Have cleared ToC 10 normal and ToC 10 HC and taken a tribute to
Have also cleared 12 out of 12 bosses in Icecrown Citadel 10 man,
and 11 out of 12 in HC.
In cata, all content except Nef Hc was cleared.
MoP: T14: 9/16 HC, T15 9/13 HC, T16 14/14 HC