Vitare is a seasoned and active guild which has recently
transferred and first originated from the early days of Barthilas.
We are a 10 man Alliance raiding guild focused on progression and
hard mode raiding content. You can find us on We currently raid 3 nights per week:
Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday
7:30pm - 10:30pm (ST)
However, if applying please note that raids will occasionally run
over time when we are close to a progression kill.
With the release of WoD coming soon, we are currently looking for
like-minded raiders to join us for 6.0.
We are currently recruiting for Siege of Orgrimmar:
Death Knight - Open/Strong Blood offspec
Hunter - Open
Mage - Open
Druid - Open/Strong Guardian offspec
Monk - Open
Paladin - Retribution/Strong offspec
Priest - Open
Rogue - Open
Shaman - Enhancement
Warlock - Open
Warrior - Open/Strong Protection offspec
Although, we are always looking for exceptional players to join our
ranks for Warlords of Draenor. If interested in joining us prior to
the expansion, feel free to make a casual application in our new
WoD Recruitment section on our forums:
We have a pretty tight-knit group of raiders; we play this game to
have fun, crack jokes and kill bosses. Our goal of each patch cycle
is to clear as much as we possibly can, as well as picking up any
achievements, including the meta. Outside of our raids, we are a
very chill and welcoming guild; we know the names of eachother's
girlfriends (fictional or not) and are friendly enough to even
write a Facebook comment on your birthday. Many of us share a
stupid kind of ruthless humour and are able to make jokes out of
"We aren't just a community, we're a family" ~Roguescreed,
"WE ARE A FAMILY. We are one" ~Caji, 2013.
"Gayyyyyyyyyyyy" ~Everyone else, 2013.
Feel free to contact Addyluv, Razzia or Marthias in game if you
have any inquiries. Otherwise, to apply as a raider to our current
raiding team, create a new thread on on our recruitment forums.