Ars Discordia is currently open to mature adult casual players and
We raid for 2 hours a night, Tuesday/Wednesday 6-8:30 Server
(9-11:30 EST, 8-10:30 CST etc). We starting with Normal and working
up from there.
WoD Flex technology has given us the opportunity to raid in a new
fashion. Without out the constraints of having to pick 10 (and
leave the rest frustrated they didn't get picked), we're hitting it
with a fresh attitude, and, most importantly having fun.
Our raids are intentionally relaxed and low key. We strive for
About Ars Discordia
Ars Discordia is among the oldest guilds on Doomhammer/Baelgun,
tracing our roots to pre-Vanilla Beta days. We are mature, stable,
and focused raid group, some of us have been raiding together since
vanilla, many of us since wrath, while some of our members are more
recent additions to the guild. Most of us have lives outside of WoW
requiring our time, while we enjoy progressing, none of us want
another job, and our guild priorities reflect this. This is a
perfect 'retirement' guild from hardcore raiding, especially
someone "too busy" to raid full time anymore. We're a good guild
for the working player with a day job.
Doomhammer/Baelgun is a PVE server using US Pacific Time for Server
Sound like a fit for you? Visit our website: