Carpe Imperium is a casual, but progression oriented 10 Man guild
seeking new additions to our guild roster. We all take the game
seriously and try and be the best players we can be, without losing
sight of the fact that this is indeed a game and we are all here to
have fun together. The guild is 8 years old and currently has over
350 members raiding is not a requirement we accept mature players
who like to have fun playing a game.
Our 10 man progression group is currently looking for Resto Druid,
our 10 man regular group is in need of
- Tank (any)
- Ranged dps (1)
- Resto Druid (1)
- Resto Shaman (1)
- Disc/holy Priest (1)
to round out our raiding team as we push into heroic modes. Other
exceptional applicants are encouraged to apply.
Raids are 7:00PM to 10:30PM server time on Teusday and Sunday
If you are interested, contact one of our officers:
To find out more and fill out an application, visit Register as the toon you are going to apply
as, and send a private message to Romi to get forum approval.
Remember, this is our first and only impression of you, so please
put a bit of effort in.
Basic expectations / requirements of all perspective
-properly geared and experienced if you are interested in
-Ready and able to use Teamspeak 3 (primary voice communication for
all raids)
-A reliable connection
-Motivated attitude
-Class knowledge (Know your class)
-Well rounded with game mechanics (Know the difference between left
and right, as well as the fact that red !%%! on the ground hurts,
don't stand in it!)
-Attention span to focus on progression for an entire raid
-Ability to endure multiple wipes without complaining
-A flexible sense of humor (sometimes our Teamspeak conversations
get interesting).