Aquila is RECRUTING!
About us :
We are a 20 man hardcore 4 days per week raiding guild. We founded
on 21st January 2015 after a group of friends decided to start a
new project. We are highly motivated, have years of high end
raiding experience and consist of very dedicated people; our core
raiders are consistent high performers and expect you to be too.Our
leadership has been a part of top 100 raiding guild where we
raided/leaded with great sucess.
Our goals :
We aim to be a top 100 guild and have a strong core of players that
can achieve that goal. While we appreciate nobody is perfect it
will be brought up if you are consistently failing the same
mechanics or under performing. Alts are VERY IMPORTANT to the
guilds progress and such we encourage people to play as many as
they are comfortable with. With at the VERY LEAST 1 up to scratch
alt of the same role, if you want to play an alt that is a
different role to your main, it has to be discussed beforehand so
we can make sure we can organize split runs accordingly.
Raid Days :
Wednesday : 19.30 to 23.00
Thursday : 19.30 to 23.00
Sunday : 19.30 to 23.00
Tuesday : 19.30 to 23.00
Optional day: Monday : 19.30 to 23.00
Loot method : Loot Council
Expectation of new trial :
You must be able to attend at least 90% of raids.
You must be a mature person above everything else.
You must know your class inside out.
Our progression will be based around alts as well , alts are
taken seriously and you need to have at close to your main's gear
level and be able to play it at a similar level.
We are English speaking guild, that means you need to be able
to speak fluently and understand English.
Use your mic. It's extremely important for us that you are able
to speak, to get feedback mid-pull, as well as general raid input
that will help our progression.
Contact : Betrayer91#2309 , tom#2220 or Koz#2815
Best Regards
Aquila- Kazzak EU