Dread, Alliance - Korgath (PVP)
About Us
Dread is one of the few guilds remaining that has been around since
day one of classic WoW. Although originally founded on
US-Stormreaver when the servers first came online, Dread accepted
free character transfers to US-Korgath in June of 2006. At the
time, Korgath was a relatively new, low population server; however,
it has since transformed into one of the leading progression
servers in the United States.
Dread has proven time and time again that it has what it takes to
weather the storm, having successfully transitioned from classic's
40-man raids to TBC's 25-man raids and WotLK's limited attempts,
wrapping up Kel'thuzad(40), Kil'jaeden, Lich King(25H), and
Deathwing(25H) kills along the way.
Past Achievements
Tier 11
-US #34 Nefarian
-US #44 Cho'gall
-US #37 Sinestra
-US #43 Al'Akir
Tier 12
-US #44 Ragnaros
Tier 13
-US #9 Madness of Deathwing
Tier 14
-US #18 Sha of Fear
Tier 15
-US #14 Ra-den
Current Recruitment Needs:
Our doors are always open for exceptional players of any class.
We expect all of our applicants to have an extensive knowledge of
their class and specs. It should be obvious that you should have
the best talents, glyphs and gems to play your class to the best of
your ability. You should also not be easily offended as our raid
environment can be harsh at times to say the least.
If you have any questions or if you wish to submit a private
application, feel free to contact Moondel, Brian or Bromicide
in-game, or feel free to add Bromicide on btag #Glvr1264