Hello fellow adventurer!
Thanks for your interest in Antimatter! We are a well-established
guild on the RP server of Darkmoon Faire and combine competitive
raiding with a healthy social environment.
Antimatter was founded at the start of Dragon Soul, and has been
one of the top guilds of the server ever since, improving with each
new tier. While the guild itself is still relatively ‘young’, a lot
of our raiders are Darkmoon Faire veterans, having raided with or
been involved in leading C O R E, Avatar, Darkmoon Rising, Aegis or
The Server
Although Darkmoon Faire is a RP server, this is not something we
focus on. Sure, you’ll see the occasional in character sentence
pass by in guild chat but there are no guild events or ‘RP rules’.
All we ask of our members to take common decency into consideration
and respect each other. Most of us enjoy the server for it’s
general positive attitude and friendliness.
The Raids
So if not for roleplaying, why should we join you might ask? The
raiding of course! We raid three times a week (Wednesday, Sunday,
Monday) from 20.00 till 23.30 server time. We try to have fun
during those hours, and especially during farm runs it’s never
silent on Mumble. This does not mean that you will never be called
out if you make a mistake or cause a wipe. Criticism is part of
raiding and we expect you to be able to deal with it and try to
improve. While we don't strive to reach a particular rank, we do
like to clear stuff 'on time'.
The new Recruit
We’d like to know who you are! Our raiders generally have good
social relations, play other games together, chat outside raids and
share a laugh. At the same time we want somebody who knows their
class, shows up on time and will strife to do the best they can in
those three raids a week. Preferably you have some previous raid
experience in either 10 or 25 man but more important is a
willingness to learn.
Questions or want to apply?
Visit us at http://antimatter-dmf.enjin.com, poke Gallain,
Reyneart, Petrov or Tuon in game or add Tuon#2188 for a chat.