EDIT: Recruitment is currently closed, but will open back up
<House Gamon> is a casual late night weekend group that is
recruiting for DPS and healers for our Mythic group.
Our raid times: We raid Fridays and Saturdays at 9:30PM-11:30PM
server time (Note that we occasionally go overtime.)
Who we are: We're a laid back patient bunch who tend to get things
done as well as being pretty vocal on mumble. Our guild is a little
less than a month old, but we have a pretty tight community. We
also progressed through Highmaul very quickly even with how new our
guild is (7/7N 6/7H).
What we look for in a player: Someone who can easily get along with
the rest of the group, this means that they're relatively patient
and tend to keep their cool. We'd also prefer players with some
sort of raiding experience and/or some gear.
Roles/Classes that we are most interested in:
Holy Paladin
Mistweaver Monk
Survival/MM Hunters
Fury Warriors
We currently aren't looking for any tanks.
NOTE: If your class is not listed here it does NOT mean its closed
for recruitment.
If you are interested please PM or mail Biophiliac, Angertotem or
Dreedskull in game.