We are currently recruiting raiders for Warlords of
We’re looking to finish filling our 20-man core team, aiming for
Mythic content following normal and heroic progression.
We’re looking for 1 healer (Holy Paladin)and 1 ranged DPS
(Hunter/Ele Shaman). If you are interested in joining our raid
please fill out an application. Players who can viably dual spec
are especially welcomed.
We're looking for people with good attitudes who want to see the
content and progress through it on a weekly basis!
Visit our website for an application and feel free to contact
Sinestros or Darkbjorn in-game for more information!
- Updated November 2014
<Blood of the Exiled> is a dedicated progression raiding
guild that believes good people can be good players. We’ve been
established since late Wrath of the Lich King, raiding successfully
through Cataclysm and into Mists of Pandaria. As a raid, we put a
lot of emphasis on dedication and reliability. However, we also
believe in order to be successful, the game has to remain fun. Even
when you're progression wiping.
We are very serious about Raiding and enjoying every bit of success
we create. Our raiders are expected to put forth their best at all
times, push themselves to be effective at their class and be able
to heed any advice given to make them better. We believe in pushing
people to their potential, not pushing them out for making
Our raiding team meets Thursday/Sunday/Monday from 8:00PM server
(CST) to 11:00PM server. We are the kind of raiding guild that
benefits people who want to see endgame raiding, but also have a
life, schedule, or responsibilities they need to attend to as
Recruitment is always open, as we’ll take anyone interested in
joining and raiding/playing in any capacity. We are not age-biased,
as we have anywhere from College to Working Professionals in our
ranks, nor are we gender-biased. If interested in joining check out
our website for our policies and rules and fill out an application.
Also, feel free to speak to an officer or the Guild Leader in-game.