Currently not raiding.
About us
Obsidian is an Alliance raiding guild established in 2008. After
raiding as a 25 man guild during Wrath of the Lich King we scaled
down to 10 man for Cataclysm. Our goal in the game is to achieve
the best possible rank while keeping to a reasonable raiding
As for people behind the keyboard most of us are vanilla WoW
veterans in their mid to late twenties from all across Europe. We
grew up playing video games and enjoy the challenge and excitement
of hard mode raiding.
What you can expect from us
• Fast progress trough new raid tiers.
• Experienced and motivated teammates.
• Friendly atmosphere with a sense of community.
What we expect from you
• Hard mode raiding experience.
• Fluency in English and willingness to communicate over
• Team spirit. Success of the group comes first.
• You need to be in control of your playtime and be available for
every scheduled raid.
• Intimate knowledge of your class and the ability to play at least
two of the specs at a high level.
• You should be able to provide useful feedback during progress and
be able to accept constructive criticism.
• A positive attitude towards raiding and decent behavior towards
other guild members.
Software & Hardware
• Stable internet connection and hardware capable of running the
game at sufficient frame rates during raid encounters.
• Mumble voice chat.
Raiding Schedule
19:45-24:00 Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday, Monday (1 raid per week
for farm content)
T15: 11/13 HC
T14: 16/16 HC ([B]realm 1st[/B])
T13: 8/8 HC (Spine pre-nerf, Madness [B]realm 1st[/B]),
T12: 7/7 HC,
T11: 13/13 HC
Loot Distribution
We consider loot as a tool for progress not as a reward and
distribute drops in a way that best benefits the whole raid.
or contact Samiam#2688 on realID.