Greetings! <Halcyon> is an adult (18+) raiding guild on
Zul’jin (Horde) seeking to further expand the rosters of both of
our raid teams with exceptional raiders.
We base our raiding and guild environment on four major tenets:
Performance, Attendance, Attitude, and Accountability. We feel that
these are the four most important qualities for raiders and, thus,
base our recruitment process around them. Additionally, negativity,
drama, and/or overall poorness of character are grounds for
immediate removal. We value our environment and remove any threats
to it.
Raid Times
Tuesday : 7h45 - 11h30
Thursday : 7h45 - 11h30
Sunday : 7h45 - 11h30
Tuesday : 8h15 - 11h30
Thursday : 8h15 - 11h30
Sunday : 8h15 - 11h30
Current Recruitment Needs
Paladin (Holy) - High
Mage - High
Warlock – High
Rogue - High
Warrior (Fury/Arms) - High
Death Knight (Frost/Unholy) - Medium
Monk (Mistweaver/WW) - Medium
Priest (Shadow) – Medium
Druid (Balance/Feral) - Medium
Shaman(Resto) - High
Priest (Holy/Disc) - High
Paladin (Holy/Prot) - High
Druid (Resto) - High
Monk (Brewmaster) - High
Warrior (Protection) - High
Mage – Medium
*All exceptional applicants should apply*
To apply, please visit and follow the
instructions in the Application Forum.
For more information, please contact Sindran, Udm, Valerin,
Nemithesis, Airryn, or myself in-game. Additionally, my Battletag
is at your disposal for any inquiries (Zaerri#1764).