Crusaders of honor - EU Alliance Arathor.
We've been around on Arathor since the dawn of time, though we're
not sure when this dawn was, let's just say we're an old guild.
Our guild focus is mainly on 25man Mythic PvE progress.
We raid 3 nights a week - Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday - dedicated
exclusively to 25-man progress, leaving our players time for other
game or non game aspects.
Raid times 20:30-23:30 server time
Recruitment has been re-opened for WoD, We are most in need of an
Enhancement Shaman, unholy DK, Rogue, Holy Paladin and a few other
classes, however if you consider yourself an outstanding and
experienced raider of any class and can create an exceptional
application then feel free to apply.
Whisper an Officer in-game to discuss or visit our website to