What is Malevolent?
Malevolent is a Horde side raiding guild on Alterac Mountains. We
have been around for over 5 years now and are still going strong.
We are still under the same leadership from the day the guild was
made. We have always been and will continue to be a casual raiding
guild. We currently we are the longest running guild on Alterac
Mountains that still raids.
What are our Goals?
Our goal in Malevolent is provide a fun raiding enviroment, on a
light schedule. We emphasize progression and teamwork in our group.
Our aim is to make the guild as great as we can, and if we reach
the top on the way, so be it. We have a lot of friendly dedicated
players and are looking to gather more.
What are we Looking for?
We are looking for players that have some heroic raiding experience
and are looking to improve on that. We want players who are driven
to succeed and want what we want, to kill bosses and have fun doing
so. We will take anyone of great skill.Below are our current
recruitment priorities. If you don't have much heroic raiding
experience but you can show us you have a strong fundamental grasp
of your class through your geming, talents, and general setup, as
well as logs we will be more than happy to give you a shot with our
raid group.
We only accept players who are 18 or older.
Current Recruitment Needs
Melee - Must be highly skilled as melee are a liability.
Feral cat
Death Knight
Boomkin Druid
Elemental Shaman
Shadow Priest
Holy Priest
What can we offer you?
The biggest thing we can offer here is longevity, the guild has
been around for over 5 years and counting. We have been raiding the
whole time and will continue to do so. Beyond that, as said before,
we have many friendly dedicated players, some which been in hard
core progression guilds in the past, that want to just raid because
they enjoy it. We also provide the required materials for raiding
such as flasks, food, gems enchants, etc.
We are currently 6/7 Heroic Highmaul
3/10 Normal Blackrock Foundry
We raid Tuesday, Thursday, and Monday 8:45 - 11:30 pm est.
If you are interested in joining contact Wendie#1548 or
Our website is http://malevolent.guildlaunch.com/ Feel free to go
here to check us out, no app is neccessary to join us. We will
however want to speak with you in vent before we bring you aboard.