Go Defensive, 2 Day a Week Raiding Guild
This is purely a PvE raiding guild and your gear and talents should
reflect this. Gear should be of a standard able to join our raids
immediately and perform at a high level in raids though your idea
of acceptable and ours may differ.
Raiding quite a short schedule means we must make the most of our
time in raids, we are looking for skilled players who can pick new
encounters up quickly and learn from their mistakes, and who are
also willing to take advice (and give it) on how to improve their
game, or that of others, in a friendly manner.
Your internet connection should be completely stable with no
recurring issues. Raiding 2 nights means we don't have time to
waste hours a week waiting for people to get back online. A
persistently unreliable connection or sub-par attendance will be
grounds for removal from the active raid-squad. Raid invites are
available from 19:30. We tend to break for 15 minutes during the
raid so plenty time for a cup of tea/coffee and sort those shiny
Raiding Schedule
Monday - 19:45 - 00:00
Thursday - 19:45 - 00:00
Even if your class/spec isn't listed, Go Defensive are never closed
to truly exceptional individuals of any class/spec.
Please head over to www.godefensive.eu and fill out our online
application. Half hearted, rushed applications will not be
accepted. Please spend a little bit of time and put in the effort
when filling out your application.
Add Disko#2650 or Drezlar#2943 for further